Training Week 2 at Eurobitumen Budapest

The second Training Week for the CIRCOPAV network will take place at the same time as the 8th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress. The congress is expected to achieve an audience of approximately 1,000 bitumen and asphalt industry professionals from over 50 countries.
It will:

  • Provide a platform for our industry sectors and stakeholders to demonstrate and learn from new innovations and technologies.
  • Offer a unique opportunity for all participants to engage, exchange ideas and network in an effective way.
  • Stimulate discussions and debates that will help to steer a common approach to positively manage future challenges.
  • Encourage attendance from future leaders to benefit from the unique industry experience and motivate them to be proactive in creating and being part of our future!

As in the previous Training Week, the CIRCOPAV Doctoral Candidates met to learn from and interact with industry and academia experts from around the world.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 101072820.