Beneficiaries & Partners
These are the scientists in charge of supervising the PhDC and the progress of their research projects.

Universidad de Granada LabIC
Dept. of Ingeniería de la Construcción y Proyectos de Ingeniería

Prof. Mª Carmen Rubio-Gámez
Project Coordinator
Supervisor of IRP 6
Is a professor in the Department of Construction Engineering at the University of Granada (UGR) and head of LabIC.UGR research group.
Her research interests are focused on the study of sustainable and smart materials for transport infrastructures. She has been involved in national and international research projects on the use of waste materials (crumb rubber, plastics, artificial aggregates) as substitutes for virgin materials in the manufacturing of asphalt mixtures, manufacturing asphalt mixtures at low temperatures, mechanical and fatigue cracking analysis and durability and sustainability assessment. Dr. Rubio has authored more than 150 international journal papers and conference proceedings.
She has strong links with international research centers, industrial partners and organizations, and is involved in the development of technical specifications for HWMA in Spain and technology transfer to industry. She is also involved in different international technical committees such as Rilem, ISAP, EATA or ASEFMA and member of the editorial board of the journals “road materials and pavement design” and “materiales de construcción”.

Prof. F. Moreno-Navarro
Supervisor of IRP 1
Dr. Moreno-Navarro is a Civil Engineer from the University of Granada (Spain). In 2013, he was entitled with a PhD in Engineering and Architecture, with a European PhD Certificate (University of Nottingham) and the extraordinary doctorate award.
Currently, Dr. Moreno-Navarro is Professor of the area of Construction Engineering at the University of Granada, and deputy director of the Construction Engineering Laboratory (LabIC.UGR). During more than 15 years of professional career, he has directed more than 100 projects and contracts with companies and public administrations around the world, carrying out consultancy, research and development of materials and technologies for transport infrastructure.
He is the author of more than 150 publications and presentations in the main journals and conferences in the sector of road engineering, and has supervised 7 PhD theses. He is the inventor of several patents in exploitation. In addition, Dr. Moreno-Navarro has some of the most prestigious national and international research awards, such as the “Robert L`Hermite medal” from RILEM, the “Juan López de Peñalver” award from the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, the “Juan Antonio Fernandez del Campo” award from the Spanish Road Association (AEC) or the technical and environmental awards from ASEFMA.

Universitá degli Studi di Parma Technische
Dept. of Engineering and Architecture / Unit of Civil Engineering

Prof G Tebaldi
Supervisor of IRP 4
Prof. G. Tebaldi works at the University of Parma in the Dept of Engineering and Architecture, Unit of Civil Engineering. Specialyzing in Road sensors and self-sustaining systems, Lime stabilisation of subgrades and cold recycling with high lime contents. He is the Chairman of Rilem TC 308 Performance-based Asphalt Recycling, Chairman of ISAP TC Asphalt Pavements and Environment; Editor in Chief of Road Materials and Pavement Design; Associate Editor of Materials & Structures.

Prof F Freddi
Interest in Computational Mechanics research.
Damage mechanics. Fracture mechanics. FRP/concrete delamination. Degradation of stone materials.
Author of more than 45 works, of which 14 in international journals.
Called several times as Referee by the following journals: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Solids and Strucures, Composites B and Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements.

École nationale des travaux publics de l'État0
Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique de Systèmes

Prof S Mangiafico
PhD in Civil Engineering in 2014, researcher at ENTPE since 2017.
Sustainable pavement materials and structures for transportation infrastructures, advanced characterization and modeling of multi-scale thermomechanical behavior of materials.

Prof. C Sauzéat
Supervisor of IRP 2
Prof. at ENTPE in pavement materials and structures, PHD in 2003 in soils mechanics, author of more than 100 indexed journal papers.
Sustainable roads and sensor technology, asphalt technology and performance, rheology and its use in asphalt.

Prof H. Di Benedetto
WP 3 Leader
Professor Hervé Di Benedetto received his Diploma of Civil Engineer from the «Ecole Nationale des TPE» (ENTPE, University of Lyon) and his PhD from the University of Grenoble, France. Currently he is Professor at ENTPE, University of Lyon. He is also, since 2011, visiting Professor at the University of Quebec (ETS). He is member of “Laboratoire de Tribologie & Dynamique des Systèmes” (LTDS, UMR CNRS 5513) where he is leading the team “Geomaterials and Sustainable Constructions”.
Prof. Di Benedetto’s research activities focus on the study of mechanical, thermo-mechanical behaviour of geomaterials and road, railways and airport structures, including experimental and modelling aspects. He is working in the fields of soil mechanics and infrastructure engineering.
He has been the supervisor of more than 50 PhD students and of many research projects. He is the author of more than 200 publications. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal “Road Materials and Pavement Design” ( Professor Di Benedetto is a well know expert, which is frequently invited or keynote speaker for international conferences. Among others, he delivered the 3rd Bishop Lecture of the Int. Soc. of Soil Mech. and Geotech. Eng. (ISSMGE).
He Chaired Technical Committee 101 of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) from 2009 to 2013. He was President from 2013 to 2015 of the International Society of Asphalt Pavement (ISAP), and is co-founder and present President of the Steering Committee of the European Asphalt Technology Association (EATA). He was from 2009 to 2014 international representative of the Board of the Association of Asphalt Pavement Technologists (AAPT). He is a Fellow and officer member of the Technical Advisory Committee of “International union of laboratories and experts in construction materials, systems and structures” (RILEM), Convener in charge of cluster F “Bituminous Materials and Polymers”, from 2014 to 2018.

EIFFAGE Infrastructures
Dept. of R&D

Dr F Geisler
Supervisor of IRP 8
Flavien Geisler is project manager in road and pavement engineering at Eiffage within the Research & Innovation Department. From 2015 to 2020 he has worked as the manager of the Fifth Generation Road projects.
As he has a background of a chemical engineer he is now working as project manager in the field of chemistry of bituminous binders and green chemistry. He is in charge of the development of bio-based and low-carbon binders, polymers and emulsions.

Technische Universität Braunschweig

Prof M Wistuba
Michael P. Wistuba has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Vienna University of Technology, 2002. From the year 2008, he is head of chair of the Braunschweig Pavement Engineering Centre in the Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences at Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.
He is author or co-author of more than 55 research reports, 60 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and 120 articles published in conference proceedings. His publications address sustainability of road infrastructures, and cover the fundamental mechanisms that control behaviour and durability of asphalt materials and pavement systems, the technical testing to address performance properties, the composition of asphalt mixtures considering various additives and re-using reclaimed asphalt, the design of highway and airport pavements, and the development of road management concepts.
He has acted in consulting projects in pavement engineering including federal highways in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. In 2017, he was awarded the Prize of the Construction Industry Association of Lower-Saxony and Bremen for his significant contributions to technology transfer from science to application in the pavement industry sector. He has been Convenor (2018-2020), and is Expert (2016-2018, and 2020-2022) of RILEM Cluster F on bituminous materials and polymers.
He is steering group member of the European Asphalt Technology Association (EATA), scientific board member of Deutsches Asphaltinstitut (DAI), member of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV), and scientific board member of the Swiss Expert Association for Road and Transport Engineering (VSS). From the year 2009, he is Editorial Board Member of the Journal on Road Materials and Pavement Design (RMPD). He has supervised more than 20 PhD students, and 150 MS.

Stellenbosch University
Dept. of Civil Engineering/ Pavement Section

Prof K Jenkins
Supervisor of IRP 7
Dr Jenkins achieved Bachelor and Master of Engineering at University of Natal, South Africa, in 1983 and 1995. Thereafter, he completed a PhD at Stellenbosch University in 2000.
He started his career as a Geotechnical Engineer, designing foundations and retaining walls. After several years in Geotech, Professor Kim expanded his sphere of activities into Pavement Engineering. Materials engineering, site investigations, testing and designing of solutions were order of the day. Dr Jenkins found a niche in road rehabilitation and cold recycling of pavements.
A few details of Dr Jenkins after he joined Stellenbosch University in academia,1996:
Achieved B rated researcher with South Africa’s NRF National Research Foundation
Key research invention & development: Half-warm Asphalt technology (before Warm Mix)
Postgraduate students supervised by Dr Jenkins in pavement engineering:
- 9 PhDs
- 108 Masters degrees
- 8 books or chapters
- 30 journal articles
- 143 peer reviewed international conference papers
Dr Jenkins currently fills the role of SANRAL (South African National Road Agency Limited) Research Chair in Pavement Engineering as Professor at Stellenbosch University.

University of Missouri (UMC)

Co-supervisor of IRP 1
Professor and Glen Barton Endowed Faculty Chair in Flexible Pavement Systems
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Missouri-Columbia
Dr. Buttlar holds the Glen Barton Endowed Faculty Chair in Flexible Pavement Systems at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he oversees the Mizzou Asphalt Pavement and Innovation Lab (MAPIL), funded by members of the Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association, or MAPA. Dr. Buttlar is also the Founding Director of the Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation, or MCTI, and serves as an Editor-In-Chief of Road Materials and Pavement Design.
Dr. Buttlar has authored over 350 technical publications and has delivered over 150 invited presentations and keynote lectures across the globe. His areas of expertise include asphalt pavements, pavement cracking, data science in pavements including deep machine learning, and sustainable and resilient infrastructure materials.

University of New Hampshire (UNH)

Dr. Jo Sias
Co-supervisor of IRP 6
University of New Hampshire. Her research interests include performance evaluation of asphalt pavements and materials, particularly with respect to resilience and sustainability and the impact of climate change on transportation infrastructure. She is the director of the UNH Center for Infrastructure Resilience to Climate (UCIRC) and co-director of the Infrastructure and Climate Network (ICNet). She currently serves on the AAPT Board of Directors as past-president and is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Road Materials and
Pavement Design.

University of Twente (UTW)

Prof S. Miller
Co-Supervisor of IRP 7
Department of Engineering Technology, Construction Management and Engineering.

University of Nottingham

Prof. G. Airey