On March 1st 2023, Granada was proud to host the International Symposium on Pavements for Carbon Neutral and Digitalized Roads (ISPACAD 2023). This symposium brought together academia, industry and public organisms, providing a unique opportunity for engineers and researchers to learn about the most advanced developments to achieve carbon neutral and digitalized roads. Some of the most prestigious professionals in the sector spoke about the key aspects concerning the technologies and strategies to be followed, as well as successful experiences already carried out in different countries such as France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK or USA. In addition, CIRCOPAV European project was presented; a network focused on the development of connected pavements based on circular economy and integrated by eight different universities and eight different companies, from eight different countries in three continents.

Finally, attendees who work on Carbon Neutral and Digitalized Roads had the opportunity to present their research projects in a “short communications” session. For those attendees interested in doing PhD studies there was a workshop on “Tips to succeed in your PhD project”.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 101072820.